Since the Remembrance Day at Callow Hill & the service and parade at Rock Church, both very significant and touching events, there have been numerous rumours together with documentation supposedly originating from this branch about changing the times and venues for 2014.
All of the foregoing is hearsay and we deny emphatically this fabrication and we have never ever discussed this at our branch meetings.
Both of the events are not under our control, as the one is a church service and the other is a civil event.
The event was moved many years ago at the behest of the then vicar and other parties to Rock Church. In the main, this was because of the possibility of inclement weather, lack of policing and health and safety.
At the time, the move caused a lot of friction and it has remained a contentious item ever since. However, we have never ever interfered and have no intention of doing so.
It is perhaps worth noting that the general consensus within our branch is the Standard should be at the war memorial, at the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month – or the nearest sunday thereto designated as Remembrance Day.